When the Days are Evil
Slave, son, long-distance runner, farmer, wrestler—these are all images God uses in the New Testament to represent the identity and...
Fresh devotionals are being published weekly. The posts include articles written by Pastor Johnson, NorthStone members, and other ministry contributors. Strength for Life hopes these brief articles strengthen you.
When the Days are Evil
Making Good Use of God's World
The Strongest Man I Know
Back in the Day
The Fit Christian
We Are the Church
God's Dress Standards
For God is Love
Love and the Gospel
When Love Isn't Love
Strength for the Mission
The Overlooked Gift
The "New Year, New Me" Guide
Bear Your Own Burden
Excuse Makers
Carry On
Beware of Being Comfortable
Appetites of the Carnal Heart: Lust
Captive Thoughts
This One Thing I Do