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Sinners: Different Shapes & Sizes

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jesus loves the unlovable. He loves sinners, and sinners come in all shapes and sizes.

In John 3, Jesus shows love to a religious sinner named Nicodemus. Yet in John 4, He shows love to an adulterous sinner known as the Samaritan woman. Nicodemus needed to be born again even though he was religious. And, more obviously sinful, the Samaritan woman who had been married five times, and was living with a man who was not her husband, she also needed to be born again.

The fact is, we are all sinners. (Romans 3:23) Nicodemus was rich, well respected, religious, and extremely influential, yet still a sinner heading toward eternal hell. Jesus told him, “ye must be born again.”

In contrast to Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman was poor, promiscuous, racially disdained, and socially powerless. The social standings of Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman couldn't be more opposite, yet their spiritual standing was exactly the same.

When the Samaritan woman realized who Jesus was, she believed on Him savingly and she received forgiveness for her sins. Then, immediately she told people all over her town that Jesus saved her soul from the consequences of her sin. As a result, many people in that town believed on Jesus savingly.

If you’ve never trusted Christ to deal with your sin problem, do it today! You’ll be eternally glad you did.

However, if you’ve already been born again, don’t ever forget the sinful shape you were in, when Jesus saved your soul. And, if you’ve already been saved, ask the Lord to give you an evangelistic focus like the Samaritan woman.

One of the most significant ways that a Christian expresses gratitude to God for their soul’s salvation is by telling others that God offers forgiveness for sin through Jesus Christ.

Curtis Hutson once said, “the only alternative to soulwinning is disobedience.”

Tell someone about Jesus today.

Scripture Reading: John 3:1-18; John 4:1-40.


This devotion was written by Pastor James C. Johnson. These devotions are being published through this pandemic in an effort to further strengthen the faith of our NorthStone church family. Feel free to comment below to offer your feedback about today's devotion.



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